Daily Schedule
- 05:30 am - Wake-up Time
- 06:00 am - Meditation - Proverbs
- 07:00 am - Breakfast
- 08:00 am - Work Details
- 12:00 pm - Lunch Break.
- 02:00 pm - Bible Study and counseling.
- 03:30 pm - Personal Break
- 05:30 pm - Dinner
- 07:00 pm - Evening Service
- 09:00 pm - Meditation - Word fast
- 09:30 pm - Bedtime
About Daily Schedule
New arrivals and those who have exhibited rebellious attitudes will remain on the Ranch full time. Extra duties may be added to their schedule infringing upon their free time. Men who have been at the Ranch for a period of two weeks or better, who exhibit willing attitudes towards restoration, will be permitted to go off the premises on supervised work details.
Enrollees receive daily and personalized counseling from professionals as desired by the client. Also joint counseling of enrollees and significant others happen on Sundays during visit hours or on special arrangement during the week.